We Appreciate Your Support
Exciting News! Original Watercolor Paintings
You can now help us continue to help others!
Our original watercolor paintings are now available at Kristi’s Country Store, in Milton Washington, and in our new Etsy Shop. Proceeds from sales go toward our costs, allowing us to keep doing what we do.
See more paintings and read about the artist: Christina Sherrod Watercolors.
For over 20 years (formerly CraftAndFabricLinks.com) we have provided high quality, FREE content. Revenue from our online sewing shop, plus some ad revenue, covered our costs. In addition to the financial rewards, we received heart warming emails from all over the world, thanking us for our wonderful content. People gained skills, and sold items, which helped them financially. The knowledge of the good we were doing kept us going.
We no longer have our sewing store, and we REFUSE to add annoying advertising all over our pages. We have the perfect solution! Our products will provide the needed revenue. Proceeds from our current and future products will go toward the costs of bringing YOU free content.
Other Ways You Can Help
We will be posting information in the near future about new products, painting classes, and other offerings. If you would like to sponsor, please contact us.