Christmas Star Gouache
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6 minute video tutorial
Christmas Star Gouache Watercolor
Quick and easy Christmas painting!
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Christmas In April
It’s never too early to start Christmas projects, so I decided to add this Christmas painting lesson now, even though spring has not sprung yet here in the coastal Northwest.
I am having fun with gouache during these days that are still dark and cold. It’s a great time to create new lessons.
The 2 paintings shown below were created yesterday and today. The first was inspired by a photo by Wai Siew, which was posted on The second painting is titled “Reaching For The Sun.” It was inspired by a tulip in my garden.
Watch the video to see the entire process. Easy & Relaxing!
After the video below, I provide a list of supplies, and written instructions.
download Christmas Star Snowman pattern
Enlarge or shrink per your needs.
Gouache Paints
I recommend paint that comes in a tube.
I use MyArtscape paints or Winsor & Newton.
(you can use regular watercolor if you prefer, but gouache behaves a bit differently)
black / white
cerulean blue
Prussian blue
sap green
Paint Brushes
I use round brushes by Golden Maple
#6, #8, #5/0
Other Supplies
paper plate
palette (for holding mixed paints)
water cup
paper towel
watercolor paper: I used a 4” x 6” sheet of paper (I prefer cold press 100 lb)
artist or painter’s tape (to tape off edges - optional)
Micron 03 Ink Pen
For your convenience, I have linked to the exact products I used. Disclosure: if you click and make a purchase, I may receive some compensation.
I do feel that you can create just about any color you need with just this small set of paints. I have ordered Winsor & Newton paints from Amazon, and will compare them to MyArtscape paints. That will be a future post. I LOVE the brushes. They do everything I need, and are not expensive.
Watch the video to see the entire process.
1. Trace the pattern onto watercolor paper.
Tape the watercolor paper to a working surface. Trace or loosely free hand draw the design.
I started by wetting the paper, then added a light wash for the sky. I then added a darker wash for the sky. That gave it a stormy night look.
After that I added a yellow wash over the star.
Remember that the first layer is just a background wash. It is light and free. After that, the details can be added.
2. Follow instructions in the video to paint on the design.
Use loose strokes (don’t go for “perfection”).
3. Add detail.
Mistake? Don’t worry! If still wet, use a paper towel to dab up the “mistake”, as shown in the video. If dry, go back over the area with white, or water and white. Gouache is more opaque than regular watercolor, so white can be painted over darker colors. Repaint.
4. Scan Image
Scan your image. Use it for many other projects. Add to cards, or mix and match with other designs you have created.
What I Learned
I prefer cold press 100 lb watercolor paper
I like to use watercolor paints (or watered gouache paints) for my base layer, then switch to gouache for the more detailed layers.
Don’t be afraid to use a fine tip pen if needed for tiny details (archive quality)
Use a lightbox or window to LIGHTLY trace, or freehand draw your pattern. Carbon paper leaves very dark marks. I have seen artists use carbon paper, using just a few dots or broken lines. Otherwise, you will have dark lines to cover up.
Have fun! Paint at least one subject or scene every day. Buy a pad of watercolor paper, and take it with you. Use the outdoors, photos, items you set up, or online images as inspiration. You do not have to complete a painting! Practice drawing leaves, trees, flowers - I practice something every day, and I learn something from each painting.
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