The Great Migration
Moving is never fun.
Moving an entire website is really NOT FUN. Though we are very excited about bringing you fabulous new projects!
NOTE: Formerly New site - same owners
I Can Do It!
I keep repeating this to myself. I used to code straight up html on a blank page. I like this much better (Squarespace), but there is a bit of a learning curve for doing just what I want - great navigation. In a previous life, my responsibility was to de-bug and help design menu systems. It taught me a LOT. My goal is to be sure that you can find what you need QUICKLY. I know your time is valuable. Let us know if I can improve.
I am sloooowly recreating pages from our old site to this site - plus adding lots of great new projects.
I feel like a snail about to head up that hill.
List Maker
So, how do I keep going, and keep up the momentum, while still taking care of other responsibilities? Well, to be quite honest, I wasn’t doing so well with all that in the beginning. I worked until midnight and was up at 4 each morning for several days - designing the site and posting new projects. THANK GOODNESS Aleah was on board and developed the overall site design and color scheme. She is a top notch designer. I know navigation and coding, so that lies with me.
I felt that I NEEDED to get several pages up before going live. Then I realized the cat was suffering (is that an empty dish?), we had no dinner on the table (my husband came to the rescue with take-home), and my flower pots outside were not looking so good. I needed a plan! I am a list maker, and an organizer of time. I have always planned my days by making lists. I can “let go” of the items because they are written down. I get great satisfaction from marking things off. I will even add an item already done, just so I can cross it off. I decided to plan out my days in chunks of time. Work a bit on the site (maybe a long bit), then complete an item on the list. It is much healthier to get up and move some anyway.
I still feel like a snail about to head up that hill, but I am now an organized snail who will bite off just a small piece at a time.
So - What Is Coming?
Coming sooon - ish
At this point (fall 2022), I have barely begun to move old content over. While doing that, we will also be adding lots of great new content. We just remodeled a house - that provided a boat load of material! I had the fun of removing an old ceiling (tested for asbestos first of course), and tearing up old floors. Our house looked like a “Dexter” area for quite some time. Since it was Halloween, that was ok with visitors.
Article: Christina Sherrod