Heart Vine Embroidery
sewing -> embroidery
free pattern for heart vine pattern for pillow case
originally on our previous site: CraftAndFabricLinks.com
Hand embroidery is beautiful, and can add a decorative finish to items you have made. Embroider tote bags, aprons, pillowcases, pillows, baby burp cloths, purses, quilt blocks, etc. I offer a beautiful pattern to get you started, plus free hand embroidery lessons.
Before you start your project, visit my Free Embroidery Lessons for a fully illustrated glossary of stitches.
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Also see:
Notes From The Workroom & Trail
10 Easy Sewing Projects
Craft Projects
Home Improvement
Free Motion Machine Embroidery
On our previous site, we have a lesson on free motion embroidery. You can use this pattern for free motion embroidery. That lesson will be moved to this site. In the meantime, find it here: Free Motion Machine Embroidery Tutorial
How To Use This Pattern
Use stabilizer and a regular sewing machine (with darning foot) to make amazing embroidery designs. Transfer this pattern to fabric; then use hand embroidery, free motion machine embroidery, or a combination of the two. Fabric paints would also add interesting detail.
To learn hand embroidery stitches, go to my free stitch glossary.
If using this pattern for free motion machine embroidery you will need the following:
Machine Embroidery Stabilizer
This material provides a stabilizing backing for creating even stitches when performing free motion machine embroidery. Visit my Amazon store page to purchase stabilizer, fusible web, fusible fleece, insul-bright, heat resistant cloth, quilting pins, and other items I use in my projects.
Design Size
The pdf pattern prints to an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper. The overall design measures approximately 3.5" x 20". Adjust to meet your needs. You can change the size by enlarging or shrinking on your copy machine or with a graphics program.
Heart Vine Pattern
My pattern downloads as a pdf file. Click HERE or click on the image below to bring up the file.
The design is in two rows. Piece them together to form your long vine. They meet end-to-end.
NOTE: In the top photo of finished embroidery, a couple of changes have been made to my original pattern, shown below. Use my pattern as is, or adjust per your taste.
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