Special Occasion Numbers
Painted & Textured Paper Mache
Numbers or letters for special occasion
Watch the video to see the complete process
Special Occasion?
30th birthday? Sweet 16? Special anniversary? Create personalized letters and numbers. These large 3D numbers stand up for beautiful table decor. Or attach to a wall. Add texture, paint, glitter and sparkle - customize as you wish!
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Also see:
Notes From The Workroom & Trails
Home Decor Crafts
Art Projects
Home Improvement
Free Video Tutorial
IMPORTANT: I created a video for this project. It is on my youtube art channel. Please watch the video for full instructions and demonstration. The video follows my written instructions.
Permanent Patch 102 (purchase at home repair store such as Home Depot) - this provides texture
paper mache numbers or letters (any size you wish)
acrylic paints (I use Grumbacher or Golden - any good quality artist or craft paint will work well)
choose colors you like: I used various shades of blue, green, gold, brown, white, yellow, red - refer to my video for a full listing of what I used.
paint brushes in various sizes
palette knife
Liquitex Gloss Medium And Varnish
cup of water, paper towel
1. Paint gesso over all surfaces. This will seal the paper mache so paint will not absorb into it. Wash your brush with water.
2. Using the palette knife, apply texture (Permanent Patch 102) to the letters or numbers. Do not apply texture to the bottom of the pieces.
3. When the texture is dry, use the paint brushes to paint on your design. I painted on a base coat of various neutral shades, then painted on greenery and flowers.
4. When the paint has dried, apply a coat of Liquitex Gloss Medium And Varnish to all surfaces. The varnish will protect the pieces, as well as make the design really pop.
Use a line drawing and photos to paint a watercolor of your Toyota Tacoma truck - or any vehicle. Step by step directions.