craft projects -> children
Creativity For Kids
Printable, foldable mini boxes. Teach your child how to create a 3 dimensional object from a 2 dimensional print.
Create beautiful textured and painted paper mache eggs. Free video tutorial included. Easter and spring eggs.
Scan artwork or photographs, then print to card stock to create your own beautiful, meaningful cards. OR use watercolor stamps and pens.
Printable free graphics. Learn how to turn recycled boxes and cans into fun, usable items. DIY magnet.
Cactus and Ladybug rock garden. Use acrylic paints, brushes and dotting tools to create a delightful painted rock garden.
Paint Halloween rocks, using acrylic paints. Fun project for home or yard decor - or leave for others to find.
Teach your child to sew!
Free sewing lessons, free sewing patterns, free embroidery stitch glossary. Learn math and creativity while learning to sew.
Valentine abstract watercolor for small painting or card. Create stunning designs. Instructions plus printable heart templates.