Halloween Witch Painting
decor crafts -> art
Textured Witch & Ghost Painting.
Textured painting that is so cute!
Youtube video shows the entire process.
IMPORTANT: I created a video for this painting tutorial. It is on my youtube channel: Christina Sherrod Art. Please watch the FREE video for full instructions and demonstration.
Follow the Halloween Witch and Ghost Video instructions.
I love to paint, and I love to decorate. Creating small paintings for the holidays use both of my favorite activities. They can be placed in holders used for decorative plates, small paintings, or photos. I came up with a collection for Halloween and Christmas, and created YouTube videos of the process.
For this painting, I used my favorite texture mediums and paints. Change up the paints as you wish. Use your favorite colors.
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Acrylic Paint / Water / Brushes / Plate (to hold paints)
There are several good brands, but my usual paints are Grumbacher, Liquitex or Golden. I get good results with good quality paint. When starting out, it can be cost effective to get a set of paints.
Witch Pattern - a pdf file
Texture mediums - (see photo below). My favorite texture medium is Permanent Patch 101 - I buy it at hardware stores.
All paints used are listed in the video, as well as below.
Use your choice of paints: I am listing what I used. I use acrylic paints. My favorite brands are Grumbacher, Golden, Liquetex.
yellow ochre
cadmium orange hue
alizarin crimson
ultramarine blue
green gold (by Golden)
yellows - various shades
browns - various shades (such as Burnt Sienna)
warm gray
payne's gray
shades of purple (I used dioxazine purple and deep violet)
number 2 flat, number 8 round, scrumbler, wide brush for applying varnish (optional)
I used an 8" x 8 " OR 10" x 10" canvas. I used a 10" x 10" canvas. Use the size of your choice. You can enlarge or shrink the pattern as needed if you are creating a different size painting.
Paper towel, carbon paper, stylus or pen, Gamvar by Gamblin (varnish - optional)
Download the pattern of your choice (listed above). Use as is or enlarge or shrink to fit your needs.
Follow the Halloween Witch and Ghost Video instructions.
Optional: When your painting is completed and thoroughly dry, apply a coat of varnish. I use Liquitex Gloss Medium And Varnish (or matte finish), or Gamvar by Gamblin.
Go to the Halloween Witch and Ghost Video for full instructions.
Pumpkin painting tutorial and video plus free pattern. Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving.