Poppy Hair Clip
Silk Flower Hair Clip
** this project uses an open flame **
originally on our previous site: craftandfabriclinks.com
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Also see:
Notes From The Workroom & Trails
craft projects
Organizeing Tips
This project is quick and easy, but must be done carefully to prevent burns. Take necessary precautions to prevent harm to yourself and others. The petals are created by melting the edges of polyester silk. If the fabric melts onto your skin, you can get serious burns. We made the flowers next to a sink, so water was readily available. We also used tongs so that our hands never came close to the polyester or flame during melting. DO NOT allow the polyester to come into contact with the flame - hold it only close enough to produce melting at the edges. It melts very quickly, so only a moment near the flame is needed. Continue to hold the petal using tongs until it is completely cooled.
This project taught me the dangers of using polyester in clothing. Being close to a flame was enough to cause the fabric to heat up to the point of melting - very scary!
hot glue gun
1/4 yard polyester silk (you will use 1 " to 2" squares so 1/4 yard makes many flowers)
Seed beads (approx. 4-5 per flower)
Hair clip or bobby pin
Candle and match or lighter
Metal Tongs (to hold fabric during melting)create a strip 1" x 60" - this left enough to create several more hair clips)
Take all normal precautions for working with a flame
1. Melt The Petals
Using tongs, hold one square of fabric so that it is near the flame, but DO NOT touch the petal to the flame.
Turn it to melt the edges. Pull away from the flame as soon as the edge is melted. NOTE: It will melt quickly so you must work quickly. Edges will become darker if they are heated more. Experiment with melting to get the effect you desire.
The following photo shows the edge beginning to curl as it heats.
The finished petals will be curled all the way around the edge.
2. Layer The Petals
Stack the petals into several layers. We used 3 layers for our flower. Mix and match sizes, or use all one size.
3. Add Seed Beads
The seed beads create the flower center. We chose black beads to create the look of a poppy.
Thread the needle; do not make a knot.
A. Come up through the petals from the back to the top of the flower. Place a bead on the needle and push it to the flower center.
B. Place a second seed bead in the flower center. Place the needle into the second bead.
Push the still threaded needle down through the bead and all layers of petals to the back of the flower.
4. Add More Beads & Knot Off
Repeat steps 3-A and 3-B until you have the desired number of beads in the center, ending with the needle on the back side of the flower. Trim ends of thread and tie off.
5. Attach Flower To Hair Clip
Use a hot glue gun to attach the flower to the hair clip or bobby pin.
Finished Hair Clip
So beautiful! This silk poppy flower hair clip is perfect for Valentine’s Day, Christmas, or any special occasion.
Change the color scheme to suit your special occasion.
I turned a fallen tree disaster into a beautiful evergreen bouquet for my front porch. Easy! Use holiday items from your stash.